Monday, 25 July 2011

No way to react... losing your tenant in your rented property, and therefore a significant element of your income stream: appoint the most expensive architect in the county.  He might not be, but anybody who goes off on a six-day site visit to the Cayman Islands probably is.

However, we've tried to rein things in by stating that we only want him to produce drawings to get us through planning & building regs applications, and to build from.  We're not looking to him to manage either the applications or build itself.  We're also drawing up a detailed spec, portfolio of images of architectural styles, plus my amateur plans which he was gracious enough to agree would be a good way to help get us all on to the same page as quickly as possible - although he's probably secretly cursing amateurs who think they can replace seven years training with a £30 software package...

Package to be sent this week, meeting next.

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