Tuesday, 20 September 2011

One step back, err... no steps forward

Message left on the answerphone from the Council that our pre-application has now been allocated and the officer will try to 'get around to it' in the next couple of weeks and see the site.  This is despite the fact that two other planning officers are already slightly familiar with our site.  Frustrating.

Also cancelled next month's service isolations for the time being and have a man in from a letting agency later in the week to see its letting potential versus how much we'd need to throw at it to make it habitable.  

Thursday, 15 September 2011

All quiet on the self-building front


Things getting somewhat bogged down as summer moves into autumn.  Legal advice, for a variety of reasons outside the scope of these posts, is to mothball the project for the foreseeable future, although our inclination is to at least get plans drawn up if not demolish.

Ofgem have confirmed that, whilst we can put solar PVs on the current bungalow, we cannot refit them to any replacement dwelling on still qualify for the FITs.  So that the 'making money whilst mothballing' plan sunk.

And the Council have gone over their 28-day deadline for responding to our pre-application and failed to give me an indication of when they might respond.

Off later to try to turn the apple harvest into cider.  Could have a lot of vinegar come Christmas...