Back from a fortnight's holiday having set a number of plates spinning in the hope of finding some answers on our return.
Firstly, the pre-application to the Council designed to identify the sticking points in our desired outline design. Still in a pile of post apparently, not even allocated a number on the system. I was told that the Council has to respond within 28 days of receipt, but it may be later than that. When I asked what happens if the service standard of 28 days isn't met, what sanction is there to guarantee service levels as promised, I may as well have tried to discuss absolute versus relative systems of morality...
Nothing's appeared from Ty-afal as regards seeing one of their airtight, heating-free houses. Thought given we'd dragged the managing director over from Wales (slight exaggeration - he was in Oxford anyway) he may have followed up with an e-mail. But no...
And the Energy Savings Trust's promise to clarify the issue over solar PV panels and whether they can be commissioned, de-commissioned, and then re-commissioned on a new house at the same address hasn't happened (they're bombarding me with e-mail surveys for me to tell them how well they did, though, like some rampant floppy-eared puppy, eager to please despite having pee'd on your carpet), so I've written direct to Ofgem, even though Ofgem state up front they don't deal with consumer queries.
Back to usual, then.
Firstly, the pre-application to the Council designed to identify the sticking points in our desired outline design. Still in a pile of post apparently, not even allocated a number on the system. I was told that the Council has to respond within 28 days of receipt, but it may be later than that. When I asked what happens if the service standard of 28 days isn't met, what sanction is there to guarantee service levels as promised, I may as well have tried to discuss absolute versus relative systems of morality...
Nothing's appeared from Ty-afal as regards seeing one of their airtight, heating-free houses. Thought given we'd dragged the managing director over from Wales (slight exaggeration - he was in Oxford anyway) he may have followed up with an e-mail. But no...
And the Energy Savings Trust's promise to clarify the issue over solar PV panels and whether they can be commissioned, de-commissioned, and then re-commissioned on a new house at the same address hasn't happened (they're bombarding me with e-mail surveys for me to tell them how well they did, though, like some rampant floppy-eared puppy, eager to please despite having pee'd on your carpet), so I've written direct to Ofgem, even though Ofgem state up front they don't deal with consumer queries.
Back to usual, then.